ARE Y Martyr Polycarp Obispo Santa Bernardita
St. Polycarp, bishop of Smyrna, knew about the apostle John and the others who had seen the Lord "and was" instructed by eyewitnesses of the life of the Word. " That's why he presents himself to us as the witness of the apostolic life and as the man of the living tradition "provided in accordance with the Scriptures." The pieces mentioned are in a Letter to the Christians of Philippi in Macedonia, which had some appeal and request copies of any letters of the holy bishop of Antioch, Ignatius, which he had been a friend.
Polycarp was above all a man of government. He had the quality of a writer and thinker as San Ignacio, as he wanted or be "crushed" by the beasts in the circus to "get to God." On the contrary, remained hidden "because of the humble self-doubt." Was old and knew they could rely heavily on their strengths. But when it was discovered in a barn and brought back to the city, showed the calm courage of their faith.
know the moving conclusion to his life thanks to a document dated a year after the martyrdom of St. Polycarp, which took place on 23 February in the year 155. It is a letter from the "pilgrim Church of God in Smyrna, the pilgrim Church of God Philomelium and also in all the parishes of anywhere in the holy catholic Church. " It is a very important story on the historical, hagiographical and liturgical. Quadrato Stazio A1 proconsul, who calls to renounce Jesus answered, shaking his head: "For 86 years I serve and I have never done no wrong: how could blaspheme my King who has redeemed me?". "I can make you burn alive," insists the proconsul. And Polycarp: "The fire that burns threaten me for a moment, then goes, I actually fear the eternal fire of damnation."
While the amphitheater in Smyrna is burning alive, "not as a meat is roasted, but a bread that is cooked," the martyr raised to the Lord a great prayer, brief but intense, "Blessed be always, O Lord, that your name be glorified adorable for ever, through Jesus Christ eternal and omnipotent pope, and that you render all honor to him and the Holy Spirit, for ever and ever. " Suddenly the body was burned to ashes. "Despite this - writes the author of that letter, which recommended to read the other churches - we picked up an occasional bone, we hold as gold and precious stones."
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