Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Hiv Rash Comes And Goes

Conversion of St. Paul

"The Conversion of St. Paul, two years after the Ascension. On the road to Damascus Saul, the persecutor of Christians, is knocked off its death threats against the Lord's disciples, and rises as the chosen instrument to carry the name of Jesus to the Gentiles and to the Israelites. Falling from his eyes blindness, and is filled with the Holy Spirit. Baptized by a faithful disciple, Ananias. And Paul preached to the Jews of Damascus and to the Gentiles through Jesus Christ, Messiah, Son of God. The Conversion of St. Paul stands as an ideal for every man and institution to find their way to Damascus and Ananias. It is unknown what links the memory of St. Paul with the date Jan. 25, but his party, which is parallel to the Chair of St. Peter (22 February), marks the entry of the one year period in prolonging the irradiation of the Epiphany. Paul's conversion is, in effect, an epiphany, that is, a manifestation of Christ, the Risen Easter Saul is shown as the Messiah glorified God, who still lives in his brothers and is not a single person but with them. "Christ does not say" why pursue my servants?, But: "Why do you persecute me?" Lamented head by its members and transfigured in itself "(St. Augustine). Saul discovered in a moment that Jesus of Nazareth is the living God and it is identified with the Church. But the conversion of Paul is also a demonstration of the wonders that can perform the Lord's grace in a soul that does not mean to respond to the call you hear: "I know whom I have believed," says Paul, "I live by faith in the Son of God loved me and gave himself for me. "

St. Ananias, St. Ananias
martyr, which he called the Apostle to the Gentiles, Damascus, s. I. It is the priest "faithful observer of the law" in the city of Damascus in the light returns to St. Paul, fulfilling an order from the Lord. According to tradition was later consecrated bishop Ananias of Damascus and ended up stoned out of the city. According to some details of Holy Scripture, Ananias was a faithful observer of the law. Enjoyed good reputation among the inhabitants of Damascus (Acts XXII, 12). San Pablo, in his own conversion narrative presents him in this light favorable.

know that Ananias, the miracle of this conversion, the Lord himself was ordered to serve a mission and faithfully obeyed. A tradition that is not first hand, Ananias makes one of the seventy-two disciples. It might have been among the listeners of Jesus. San Augustine (Quaest., vol. II, c. X, I) says that a priest and that St. Paul was sent to receive the sacrament of your hand whose dispensation the Son of God has left the priesthood of the Church. Next, is represented as a bishop Ananias of Damascus. According to Greeks, Ananias evangelized the city of Damascus and Eleutheropolis. The judge Licinio (or Lucian) did whip. Finally, Ananias was stoned out of the city. All these details are reproduced in the Roman Martyrology. The Greeks honored to Ananias, on 1 October. Latinos from User defined do, join your party to commemorate the conversion of St. Paul, on 25 January. Everything that account of his martyrdom is uncertain, as is the assertion Bollandists regarding the translation Head of Ananias, from Rome to Prague.


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