Monday, January 31, 2011

Woolite For He Machines

Yaoi's Box Fujoshi

- Name:
Yaoi's Box

- Location: Chile
- Birthday: January 15, 2011
- Age: days ^ ^
- Sex: Female
- Manga / anime favorite: The translating this crazy Shizaya (DRRR!!)
- Favourite Character: Shizaya
- Mail: @ Yaoi.box69
- Blog:
- Comment: We recently created a blog for ryuk_nelosawa and Ms.Valg, we are with this project because we want to translate sleeves, we've only uploaded Divergence DRRR Blue! (Doujin YAOI) very good one at that, I just hope they give us the possibility of entering the world of translations, I think if we are more, better, how important is to share and globalize plus xD YAOI (sleep of fangril), I hope they give us a visit once in a while ^ ^

Games Where People Can Get Pregnant

TsuKasaka Fujoshi

- Name: Roxana

- Location:
Lima, Peru
- Date of birth:
January 9, 1988
- Age:

21 years - Sex: Female

- Manga / anime favorite:
todoas the Manhwa - all yaoi manga genre: drama / romance
- Favourite Character:
Eiri Yuki (gravitation) KYAaaaa>. <
- Email:
- Blog:
- Comment:
Greetings To the staff and I meet people who also likes the yaoi ^. ^ v

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Sunday, January 30, 2011

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Juli Fujoshi

- Name: Juli-chan (Julissa)
- Location: Mexico
- Date of Birth: April 19, 1992
- Age : 18 years
- Sex: Female
- Manga / anime favorite: Kuroshitsuji
- Favourite Character: Sebastian
- Email:
- Blog:
- Comment: I love yaoi ^ ^ 3 is my favorite genre, I like shota, yaoi, lemon, shonen-ai, and I'm a pervert tooooodooo regarding yaoi ^ ^

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Verosami Fujoshi

- Name: Verosami (real name Veronica)
- Location: Ecuador
- Date of birth: November 9, 1987
- Age: 23 years
- Sex: Women
- Manga / anime favorite: My favorite manga that also have series or eggs are: Haru wa daiteita, Junjou Romantica, L
oveless, Koi suru boukun, Fujimi Orchestra, Gravitation, Kuroshitsuji, Zetsuai, Bronze, and although it is not anime but it deserves Totally Captivated, and the following: Kirepapa, monochrome factor, Gakuen Heaven, Ai no Kusabi.
- Favourite Character: Kei Tounoin , Mookyul Eun, Iwaki, Morimura Yuuki, Katou and Sebastian
- Email:
- Blog:
- Comment: really want to say that since I saw my first Yaoi was impossible not to want to keep knowing more of this beautiful world that opened my eyes that two years and now I am an ardent lover Yaoi, not a day that does not read at least one yaoi oneshot, or see images even translate a novel BL, because the history of this couple seduced me completely ... I think Yaoi is proof of love without barriers, and without false moral conditions ... So as we expand fujoshis good love ...^^ Yaoi

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Chizuro Fujoshi

- Name: Coralia
Alejandra Zavala but my nickname is Chizura san

- Location: El Salvador
- Date of birth: septienbre 28, 1992,
- Age: 18 years
- Sex: Female
- Favorite Manga: Loveless
- Favorite Anime: loveless, gravitation, and many more
- Character Favorite: Zess and Soubi
- Email:
- Comment: Sorry but I do not remember any URL now but please i want to be a member in advance and thank you very much ALIVE THE YAOI I see from 15 years

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Itsuyu Fujoshi

- Name: Itsuyu
- Location: mmm in quarter dark with lots of cute guys lol and seriously de Mexico
- Date of birth: 07/24/1990 T_T I viejita
- Age: cough cough no question 20
- Sex: ...... . . Women
- Manga / Anime fevorito: KHR, Naruto, Vampire Knight etc ...
- Favourite Character: difiil .... I love it too haha \u200b\u200band several boys casually
- Blog:
- Comment: .... . I q q nothing special just as I love yaoi ^ ^ here all we fill the world of yaoi xD

Saturday, January 29, 2011

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VOLUNTEERING: giving and receiving.

This January, on the occasion of the celebration of Month of Peace and Nonviolence, the Catalan Library Group UNESCO Associated has released two bookmarks with those who wish to commemorate in 2011 the European Year of Volunteering for active citizenship.

Each year the UNESCO Centre of Catalonia, UNESCOCAT presents us with a bookmark (the last year with 5 bookmarks that were a puzzle) and in this, with these two precious copies with drawings by illustrator Ignasi Blanch.

Volunteering is a form of social participation. It is a way to participate in society from the dedication of time, knowledge and skills from one's own free choice.

Volunteering contributes to social action indispensable dimension of love, generosity and hope.

Lluis Folch i Camarassa

The biggest mistake is to do nothing because you think you can only do little.

E. BURKE (1729-1797 )

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

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Kate returns to London! They start

This weekend Kate closed the room will be cold in London! On Friday afternoon, Saturday morning and Monday do not come to see us that we are not! But we promise to return full of energy and new ideas! Also in February we will have and the new library Kling is more than pretty and thousand novelties!
Remember, the room will be closed:
save the Queen!

Hiv Rash Comes And Goes

Conversion of St. Paul

"The Conversion of St. Paul, two years after the Ascension. On the road to Damascus Saul, the persecutor of Christians, is knocked off its death threats against the Lord's disciples, and rises as the chosen instrument to carry the name of Jesus to the Gentiles and to the Israelites. Falling from his eyes blindness, and is filled with the Holy Spirit. Baptized by a faithful disciple, Ananias. And Paul preached to the Jews of Damascus and to the Gentiles through Jesus Christ, Messiah, Son of God. The Conversion of St. Paul stands as an ideal for every man and institution to find their way to Damascus and Ananias. It is unknown what links the memory of St. Paul with the date Jan. 25, but his party, which is parallel to the Chair of St. Peter (22 February), marks the entry of the one year period in prolonging the irradiation of the Epiphany. Paul's conversion is, in effect, an epiphany, that is, a manifestation of Christ, the Risen Easter Saul is shown as the Messiah glorified God, who still lives in his brothers and is not a single person but with them. "Christ does not say" why pursue my servants?, But: "Why do you persecute me?" Lamented head by its members and transfigured in itself "(St. Augustine). Saul discovered in a moment that Jesus of Nazareth is the living God and it is identified with the Church. But the conversion of Paul is also a demonstration of the wonders that can perform the Lord's grace in a soul that does not mean to respond to the call you hear: "I know whom I have believed," says Paul, "I live by faith in the Son of God loved me and gave himself for me. "

St. Ananias, St. Ananias
martyr, which he called the Apostle to the Gentiles, Damascus, s. I. It is the priest "faithful observer of the law" in the city of Damascus in the light returns to St. Paul, fulfilling an order from the Lord. According to tradition was later consecrated bishop Ananias of Damascus and ended up stoned out of the city. According to some details of Holy Scripture, Ananias was a faithful observer of the law. Enjoyed good reputation among the inhabitants of Damascus (Acts XXII, 12). San Pablo, in his own conversion narrative presents him in this light favorable.

know that Ananias, the miracle of this conversion, the Lord himself was ordered to serve a mission and faithfully obeyed. A tradition that is not first hand, Ananias makes one of the seventy-two disciples. It might have been among the listeners of Jesus. San Augustine (Quaest., vol. II, c. X, I) says that a priest and that St. Paul was sent to receive the sacrament of your hand whose dispensation the Son of God has left the priesthood of the Church. Next, is represented as a bishop Ananias of Damascus. According to Greeks, Ananias evangelized the city of Damascus and Eleutheropolis. The judge Licinio (or Lucian) did whip. Finally, Ananias was stoned out of the city. All these details are reproduced in the Roman Martyrology. The Greeks honored to Ananias, on 1 October. Latinos from User defined do, join your party to commemorate the conversion of St. Paul, on 25 January. Everything that account of his martyrdom is uncertain, as is the assertion Bollandists regarding the translation Head of Ananias, from Rome to Prague.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

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This week has been awarded prizes to GAUDI film, and as you all may know, one of films has been more prizes have been " PA NEGRE" adaptation of the novel writer Emili Teixidor.

We used to find the bookmark in our collection that was released to promote the book and we have other works by the writer, one can see one of his novels entitled LAURA SANTS , another THE BIRD FIRE and the adventures of the ANT PIGA. This wrote several books with different adventures.

Emili Teixidor (Roda de Ter, Osona 1933). Writer, educator and journalist. Mainly writes fiction for children and youth, with thirty published books, novels also for adults.
begins production under various titles that have become classics in the young, like "Les rates malaltes" (sick rats), awarded the Ruyra Joaquim. "Didac, Berta i boira LLIGA the machine with" (Didac, Berta and tie fog machine) and "L'ocell de Foc" (the Firebird).

For adults enter fiction collection "Sic Transit Gloria Swanson, " Crítica Serra d'Or prize, and the novels Portrait s'ocells d'un Assassi" (portrait of a murderer of birds), " The llibre de les mosques " (the book of flies) Sant Jordi award for novels and the most acclaimed of all, " Pa Negre " (black bread), winner of the Joan Crexells , Lletra d'Or Award, National Culture and Literature and also Maria Angels Anglada.
Production Continues with the publication of novels "Laura Sants" and "Els Convidats" (Guests).

also writes scripts for radio and television, newspaper articles and a compilation of articles from its radio operations as "In high veu" (aloud).

His works have been translated into Castilian, French, Italian and Portuguese.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

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end the festivities hoping that you have done well we show you the copies of the traditional series edited by" El Corte Inglés ", we've collected these six copies, do not know if there is more, as always if anyone wants to complete the article we are at your disposal.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Make Someone Fall Asleep

PRIMER Icon of St. Josemaria

The first icon of St. Josemaría

From Russia sent we

A splendid photographic

From the first icon of St. Josemaría Escrivá.

An icon, in the Eastern tradition,

is much more than an image.

Maybe later someone

We explain in detail.

The first icon of St. Josemaría He has painted

A famous Orthodox iconopista:

Alexandre Sokolov,

whose works are

Several cathedrals around the world,

and an icon of the Virgin Eucharistic

With Children represented

As in a cup,

That has a reputation for miraculous.

icon is also the author of San Rafael,

It serves as a cover of the latest

and more widespread issue of "Road" in Russian.


"A God calls everyone to holiness.

Any honest work

can be an instrument of sanctification

Self and Others. "

Nobody had said something like

in this land.

Like any icon,

The gold background represents eternity.

San Josema would join in his head and heart,

Heaven and Earth.

Write has cost icon

More than two years of work.

An earlier version,

Then partly modified

Mass presided June 26 last year

Cathedral in Moscow.

Archbishop Paul Pezziml blessed and exposed

The veneration of the people.

The icon is now in one

Of the centers of the Work in Moscow.

Friday, January 7, 2011

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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Birth Art Anime Pregnant

Cecilia Fujoshi

- Name: Cecilia
- Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- Date of birth: July 6 , 1993
- Age: 17 years
- Sex: Male
- Manga / anime favorite : too many but ... Junjou, Lovely complex, Trace, Elektel Delusion + 500,000 Hard Yaoi xD sleeves
- Favourite Character: Shunpei [Elektel Delusion]
- Mail:
- Blog:
- Comment: I like Yaoi from 14 years through To Forums Dz could learn more about the genre and become addicted to it. I am the current moderator of Dz Hentai Yaoi, I love the Hard *-*. I made a blog especially to those @ s Yaoistas Yaoi can not download to their computers, either by parents, for little memory, brothers and so on. so I hope you enjoy it. My favorite blogs are those of Mirai and Alicia Paradise Fanatica Clamp, these girls worked wonders with its beautiful blogs *-*

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Konoka Fujoshi

- Name: Anna (But at school tell me KONOK: D)
- Location: Guatemala City
- Date of birth: October 5, 1995
- Age: 15 years
- Sex: Women
- Manga / anime favorite: Etto ... .. Naruto, Bleach, Fairy Tail and Inazuma Eleven ^ ^
- Favourite Character: Sasuke Uchiha and Ichirouta Kazemaru * ¬ *
- Mail :
- Blog:
- Comment: is a relief to know that there are more fans of Yaoi MANY MORE! : D one of these days yaoi going to conquer the world awwwww * ~

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Dominic Fujoshi

- Name: Dominic
- Location: Dominican Republic
- Date of birth: 01/01/1993
- Age: 17 years
- Sex: Women
- Manga / anime favorite: Sensitive pornograh
- Favourite Character: Sono Hanasaki
- Email: cristal_axiahtic @
- Comment: Being yaoi fan is not a disease-_- is a gift that very few want to accept or are too ignorant and hypocritical to understand, are what we are and no one "heal" ... and of course, if I criticize the yaoi .. kill me! XD