Thursday, August 26, 2010

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Beat St. Gregory the Great Mother Teresa of Calcutta (1910-1997) St. Bartholomew

"By blood I am Albanian. Citizenship, India. Regarding faith, I am a Catholic nun. As to my calling, I belong to the world. In regard to my heart, I belong entirely to the Heart of Jesus. " Small of stature, strong as a rock in his faith, Mother Teresa of Calcutta was entrusted with the mission of proclaiming God's thirsting love for humanity, especially the poorest of the poor. "God still loves the world and He sends you and me to be His love and compassion the poor. "
was a soul filled with the light of Christ, on fire with love for Him and burning with one desire:
"to quench their thirst for love and souls" .
This luminous messenger of God's love was born on August 26, 1910 in Skopje, a city situated at the crossroads of Balkan history. She was the youngest child of Nikola and Drane Bojaxhiu, she was baptized Agnes Gonxha made his First Communion at the age of five and a half and was confirmed in November 1916. From the day of her First Communion, was within her love for souls. The sudden death of his father when he was about eight Gonxha old left the family in financial straits. Drane raised her children firmly and lovingly, greatly influencing the character and her daughter's vocation. In his religious training, Gonxha was further assisted by the vibrant Jesuit parish of the Sacred Heart, in which she was much involved.

When I was eighteen, moved by the desire to become a missionary, Gonxha left home in September 1928 to join the Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary, known as the Sisters of Loreto, in Ireland. He received the name Sister Mary Teresa (by St. Therese of Lisieux). In December, she departed for India, arriving in Calcutta on January 6, 1929. After professing his first vows in May 1931, Sister Teresa was assigned to the community of Loreto Entally in Calcutta and taught at St. Mary's School for girls. On May 24, 1937, Sister Teresa made her Final Profession of Vows, becoming, as she said in
"spouse of Jesus" for "eternity." On September 10, 1946 during a voyage from Calcutta to Darjeeling for her annual retreat, Mother Teresa received her "inspiration," his "call within a call
." That day, in a way that never explain, the thirst for love and for souls took hold of his heart and the desire to satiate His thirst became the driving force throughout his life. During the next weeks and months, means of interior locutions and visions, Jesus revealed the desire of his heart for "victims of love" that "radiate His love on souls." "Come be my light" , Jesus prayed. "I can not go alone" . He revealed His pain at the neglect of the poor, His sorrow at their ignorance of Him and His desire to be loved by them. He asked Mother Teresa to establish a religious community, Missionaries of Charity, dedicated to serving the poorest of the poor. Nearly two years of testing and discernment before Mother Teresa received permission to begin. On August 17, 1948 for the first time dressed in white, blue-bordered sari and passed through the gates of her beloved Loreto convent to enter the world of the poor. After a short course with the Medical Mission Sisters in Patna, Mother Teresa returned to Calcutta and found temporary lodging with the Sisters of the Poor. On 21 December she went first to the slums. She visited families, washed the sores of some children, cared for an old man lying sick on the road and nursed a woman dying of hunger and tuberculosis. Began each day in communion with Jesus in the Eucharist and then went out, rosary in hand, to find and serve Him in "the unwanted, the unloved, the uncared for." After a few months began to join her, one by one, her former students. On October 7, 1950 was officially established in the Archdiocese of Calcutta, the new congregation of the Missionaries of Charity. In the early sixties, Mother Teresa began to send her Sisters to other parts of India. The Decree of Praise granted by Pope Paul VI to the congregation in February 1965 encouraged her to open a house in Venezuela. It was soon followed by foundations in Rome and Tanzania and, eventually, on every continent. Beginning in 1980 and continuing through the decade of the nineties, Mother Teresa opened houses in almost all the communist countries, including the former Soviet Union, Albania and Cuba. To best meet the physical and spiritual needs of the poor, Mother Teresa founded the Brothers Missionaries of Charity in 1963, in 1976 the contemplative branch of the Sisters, in 1979 the Contemplative Brothers and 1984 the Missionaries of Charity. However, her inspiration was not limited to those who felt the calling to religious life. Collaborating created the Mother Teresa and Sick and Suffering Co, people of different faiths and nationalities with whom she shared her spirit of prayer, simplicity, sacrifice and her apostolate of humble works of love. This spirit later inspired the as a "little way of holiness" for those who desire to share his charisma and spirit. During these years
of rapid growth the world began to look at Mother Teresa and the work she had initiated. Numerous awards, beginning with the Indian Padmashri Award in 1962 and so much more notorious Nobel Peace Prize in 1979, honored his work. At the same time, the media began to follow her activities with a growing interest. She received both prizes and attention
"for the glory of God and on behalf of the poor."

whole life and work of Mother Teresa was a witness to the joy of loving, the greatness and dignity of every human person, the value of little things done faithfully and with love, and the incomparable value of friendship with God. But there was another heroic side of this woman who came to light only after his death. Hidden from all eyes, hidden even from those closest to her, her interior life marked by the experience of a deep, painful and abiding feeling of separation from God, even rejected by Him, along with a growing desire of his love. She called
her inner experience. The
"painful night"
of his soul, which began around the time she started working with the poor and continued until the end of his life, led Mother Teresa to an ever more deep union with God. Through the darkness, she participated in the thirst of Jesus (the painful and burning longing for love of Jesus) and shared the interior desolation of the poor.

During the last years of his life, despite increasingly severe health problems, Mother Teresa continued to govern her Society and respond to the needs of the poor and the Church. In 1997, Mother Teresa's Sisters numbered nearly 4,000 members and were established in 610 foundations in 123 countries worldwide. In March 1997 she blessed her newly-elected successor as Superior General of the Missionaries of Charity and then made one more trip abroad. After last met with Pope John Paul II, he returned to Calcutta and spent the last weeks of his life getting to people who came to visit her and instructing her Sisters. On 5 September, Mother Teresa's earthly life came to an end. The Government of India awarded him the honor of holding a state funeral and his body was buried at the Motherhouse of the Missionaries of Charity. Her tomb quickly became a place of pilgrimage and prayer for people of faith and different social background (rich and poor alike). Mother Teresa left us the example of a strong faith, of an invincible hope and extraordinary charity. Your answer the call of Jesus, "Come be My light," made her a Missionary of Charity, a "mother to the poor", a symbol of compassion for the world and a living witness to the thirsting love of God.

Less than two years after his death, because of the widespread reputation of holiness of Mother Teresa and the favors attributed to him, Pope John Paul II permitted the opening of her Cause of Canonization. On December 20, 2002 he approved the decrees on heroic virtues and miracles obtained through the intercession of Mother Teresa.

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Lisbon Maravilhosa!

We're here! The vacation came to an end and we have become a sad Lisbon fado (because we had stayed there a month), and energized to face the new season and is eager to show the world! Lisbon
love us ... is a beautiful city and there is a corner you look you do not want to take it a souvenir photograph ... Safe return soon!
This month has been featured in several magazines such as Woman or Ryanair Magazine, and both have chosen us among the shops to which you must visit in the city ... thank you very much!
And now to stop thinking about beautiful beaches and caipirinhas and get to work! We started September with some new features like the next sample Creactiva Designer @ s Malaga, which will be the 11th of September! That day also at Fabric will visit Inés Aguilar of La casita de Wendy, who will give a Master Class on Slow Design, CreACTive propose a route through the city, and until we have a bit of Bollywood in our streets! Do not make plans for that day at the center, let it roll and you can not lose!
Later we will also be on site Molina Larios to introduce the new season and a thousand other things that I'll tell them slowly to avoid saturating!
And thank you very much to everyone s to which you pass by the room and we continue to do so hopeful as the first day! Beijinhos!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Centerpieces With Paper Lanterns


(Century I) appears that Bartholomew is a nickname or middle name was added to its old name was Nathaniel (meaning "gift of God") Many believe that the character St. John the Evangelist called Nathaniel, is the same as other evangelists called Bartholomew. For San Mateo, San Lucas and San Marcos when they name the apostle Philip, place him as a companion of Philip to Nathanael.

The largest gathering of his life.

The day Nathanael or Bartholomew first met Jesus for his entire life was a memorable date, totally unforgettable. St. John's Gospel tells it as follows: "Jesus found Philip and said," Follow me. "Philip found Nathanael and said:" We found him whom Moses and the prophets announced. Jesus of Nazareth. "Nathanael replied," Is that something good can come Nazareth? "Philip said," Come and see. "Jesus saw Nathanael coming toward him and said:" Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile "Nathanael asked," How long have you known me? "Jesus replied:" Before Philip called you, when you were there under the tree, I saw you. "Nathanael said to him" Master You are the Son of God, Thou art the King of Israel. "Jesus replied:" Having said that I saw you under the tree, do you think? You said you see the angels of heaven come down and go around the Son of Man. "(John 1.43).

Felipe, the first thing was to experience the great joy of being a disciple of Jesus was going to invite a great friend who also did such an excellent teacher follower. It was a torch lit another torch. But our holy heard that Jesus was from Nazareth (although not of the people but of Bethlehem, but people believed I was born there) was surprised because this was one of and ignored the smaller villages of the country that did not even appear on maps. Felipe not discussed your question pessimistic but only made a proposal: "Come and see that the great prophet is!"

A revelation that convinced him. As soon as Jesus saw that our holy to him, and told him a compliment that any of us would envy: "This if it is a true Israelite in whom is no guile." The young disciple admires and asks how long known, and the Divine Master will add anything that is going to move: "There, under a tree were thinking what would your future life. Thought: What God want me to be and I do? When you were there in those thoughts, I was watching and seeing what you thought. "That revelation was deeply impressed and convinced him that this was indeed a true prophet and a great friend of God and excited exclaimed:" Master, you are the son of God! You are the King of Israel! Proclamation Wonderful! Probably there was seriously meditating under the tree and asking God to illuminate what to do in the future, and now comes to tell Jesus that He read their thoughts. This convinced him that he was in a real prophet a man of God to read thoughts. And the Redeemer added a very flattering news. The Israelites knew by heart the story of his ancestor Jacob, what a night, exiled from his home, he slept next to a tree and saw a ladder that connected the earth to the sky and lots of angels who got on and off for that mysterious staircase. Jesus tells his new friend that one day those same angels will surround the Son of Man, the savior of the world, and accompany, rising to glorious heights. Since then, our saint was a staunch disciple of the messenger of God, Jesus Christ had the power and wisdom entirely supernatural. With the other 11 apostles witnessed the wonderful miracles of Jesus, heard his sublime teachings and received the Holy Spirit as tongues of fire.

The book is very ancient and highly revered, called the Roman Martyrology, sums up the later life of the saint of today, "St. Bartholomew preached the Gospel in India. Then there came to Armenia and converted many people. The enemies of our religion was martyred by removing the skin, then cut off his head. "

To San Bartolomé, like us, holiness is not based on miracles, or to dazzle others with extraordinary feats, but to dedicate his life to love God, to do more to know and love Jesus Christ and spread his holy religion, and having a constant charity to others and try to make everyone the most good.

Prayer O Almighty and eternal God, who made this day so venerable day of the festival of your Apostle St. Bartholomew, give to your Church to love what he believed and preach what he taught. By Our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Woolite For Front Loaders

SAN Pope Pius X Y Confessor

Brief Biography Born into a poor family, poor and numerous. Giuseppe Melchiorre Sarto came into the world on June 2, 1835 in Riese, Italy. Since childhood he was very eager for the studies, and this concern which led him to make good use of teaching catechism. At the time, and since I helped the priest as an altar boy, the naughty "Beppi" and told his parents would repeat a phrase often: "I want to be a priest." Over time this desire experienced as a child would only take hold and mature into a burning desire to respond to God's call pristine. Thus, in 1850 entered the seminary in Padua, to be ordained priest of the Lord on September 18, 1858. His first pastoral work was done by in the parish of Tómbolo-Salzano, distinguishing, in addition to its great charity to the needy, for his ardent preaching. For them the father Giuseppe attracted many "sheep" to the Lord's flock. His listeners perceived the special ardor of his heart when he spoke of the Eucharist, or the delicacy and tenderness when he spoke of the Virgin Mother, and also received his fatherly corrections when he was obliged to rebuke strongly certain faults or errors that distorted the life of charity they should take together. Since the beginning of his priesthood Giuseppe showed signs of being a true man of God. The strong desire to make the Lord Jesus the center of his own life and those who had been placed under his care, he had to give everything and be all of it to others. No sacrifice was too great for him when required to do so charitable. After working in Treviso (1875-1884) as foreign minister and spiritual director of the seminary, Father Sarto was ordained bishop for the diocese of Mantua. As Bishop also be distinguished and exemplary way, by the practice of charity.

In 1893, Leo XIII granted the cardinal's hat and went to Venice. As in Tómbolo-Salzano, Mantua at Treviso and then the Patriarch of Venice now give samples to be a zealous pastor and laborious "journeyman" in the vineyard of the Lord. At no time changed its way of being: always simple, always humble, always exemplary in terms of charity. Moreover, the higher the "dignity" in the Church (first as bishop, then as a cardinal), the greater the zeal with which he was careful in the practice of Christian virtues, especially in the humble service to those who need it, one or the other way, his pastoral charity. SS Al transit Leo XIII, who died on July 20, 1903, Cardinal Giuseppe Sarto would be the new elected by the Holy Spirit to guide the barque of Peter.

II. His pontificate

They hagiographers that when the third day of the Conclave of Cardinals none yet reached the necessary majority for election, Cardinal Sarto did the impossible, say they cried like a child, to discourage the cardinal electors that he would take into account, when each looks increasingly began to turn to this simple "rural Cardinal" (as he liked to say of himself). So suddenly the unforeseen and unexpected, for him and for all!, Began to loom on the horizon: the possibility for the "danger" of being elected to succeed him to Leo XIII at the Chair of Peter. Many, even those who until then had not known yet very well understood that behind the simplicity and sincere humility of this man, who both refused the possibility to feel so unworthy, was an enormous supernatural power, so docile to the promptings of the divine Spirit, eventually giving him their vote. Cardinal Sarto, after this vote, it was learned unquestionably called and chosen by God himself meekly accepted his plan clearly expressed by the vote of the College of Cardinals met in conclave, and uttered these words: "I accept the papacy as a cross . And because the popes who have suffered for the Church in recent times was called Pius, I choose this name. " Delivering "yes", full of humble awareness of his own smallness and insignificance, Cardinal Giuseppe Sarto responded resolutely and faithfully to the call that God made him. From now on, as Pope, his life would be fully involved in the Lord's sacrifice on the Cross, and he lovingly associating his cross, indicated their willingness to serve and guide the flock of the Lord to the rich pastures of the real life. Her deepest desire, that which like a fire burning in his heart, would be expressed in the phrase "slogan to restore everything in Christ" instaurare Omnia in Christo! ". That was the zeal that consumed his heart and zeal that drove him to want "Bringing the world the Lord." With this fire inside look, therefore, also fuel the fire of many of the hearts of the sons and daughters of the Church, thus, bring light and warmth of the Lord to the world. Pontifical Program

His "program Pontifical not looking only be the Good Shepherd: seriously committed to feed, guide and guard the human flock that the Lord entrusted to him and seek to attract the lost sheep into the fold of Christ .

In this sense, his first encyclical gives a very clear idea of \u200b\u200bwhat the holy Pope to seek to develop throughout his pontificate:

E supremi Apostolatus cathedra ... were first words of this "encyclical program", which began sharing the fears that he rushed to the possibility of being elected as the next helm of the Barque of Peter. He is not considered a worthy successor but a Pope that 26 years had governed the Church with extraordinary wisdom, prudence and pastoral application: SS Leon XIII.

Once elected, he had no doubt that the Lord asked him firmly hold the rudder of the boat of Peter, in the midst of an era that was presented as very difficult. In the encyclical mentioned the diagnosis appears very precise and accurate: "Our world is an evil: the distance of God. Men have turned away from God, have dispensed with him in the political and social order. Everything else is clear implications of this position. "

Considering these things, the Holy Father then launches your program. It reminded everyone, as a man of God that is, their mission is mostly that of shepherding the flock of Christ and to make all men will turn to the Lord, who is the only valid principle for any project of social coexistence, and that he, ultimately, is the only principle of life and reconciliation to the same human being . Assuming this solid base, in this encyclical reaffirms the sanctity of marriage, encouraged the Christian education of children, demanded justice in social relations, he reminded his responsibility to serve those in power, etc.

The force with which Pope Pius X wanted to tell for this monumental task to restore everything in Christ was the power of holiness of the Church, which was to shine in each of its members. She called to be his collaborators, first of all, the brothers in the priesthood, especially in them, as "other Christs" should shine shining flame of holiness. Called to serve the Lord with an indescribable vocation, they were to be the first to be filled with the strength of divine Spirit, because "nobody gives what is not, and how could they, the specially chosen for this mission, to restore everything in Christ if it was not his heart as the priestly heart of the Lord Jesus, ardent in love and charity towards the brothers? only with his priests holy life could be carriers of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus for all his holy people.

recall then it is for the bishops, as primary and ultimate responsibility, the form this holy clergy. This was a matter of utmost importance!, and thus the workshops should be to their bishops as "the apple of his eye": they must show a good sense to accept only those who are fit to meet the demands enduring fidelity of the priestly vocation, have to give serious intellectual preparation, have to educate their priests to his preaching constitutes real food for the faithful, and to be able to carry forward to avert a serious catechesis religious ignorance of the children of the Church have to teach, by example, live a pastoral charity without limits, have to educate them in love to an observing discipline and the foundation of all, they to accustom them to lead a strong and deep spiritual life.

The Holy Father, for this great work of renewal in Christ, also set its eyes on Secular committed: always faithful to their bishops, urging them to work for the interests of the Church, to be for all an example of holy life in the midst of their daily toil.

We talked about the deep concern felt by the Holy Pontiff for the sanctity of the priests. Himself with the example, because the clerics strove carefully complied with the obligations of the state, responding as best as possible to the gift received from above, by the imposition by Bishop. The sense of duty and the ardent love of the Lord should lead them to take radical love and loyalty to their responsibilities, and that was precisely the same testimony he gave to the clergy. This concern was due to the reform of the seminars and the establishment of many church libraries.
sacred music and liturgy is known the great love of sacred music as a child accompanied the Holy Father, which was also expressed immediately in his pontificate: the Motu proprio famous who signed as early as three months after his election. It was to meet some standards renewed church music. His Holiness Pius X promoted also the reform of the liturgy of the hours.
The "Pope of the Eucharist" His great love for the Eucharist and awareness of the value of the Real Presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament led him to allow daily communion to all the faithful, and to change the habit First Communion: henceforth the children could receive the Blessed Sacrament when they had use of reason and, from age 7. In 1905 the Sacred Congregation of the Council opened the door to frequent Communion. The reason for this provision, sponsored by the Holy Father, we find in these words: " primary purpose of the Holy Eucharist is not to guarantee the honor and reverence due to God, or that the Sacramento is reward of virtue, but the faithful, united with God in the Communion, it can find the strength to overcome the carnal passions for purification of sins everyday and avoid many falls which is subject to human frailty. "
The Catechism of St. Pius X Giuseppe
As a child he had experienced great benefit to nurture faith through good teaching catechism with the revealed truths and the Church entrusted to his custody and interpretation. Only in this way the person on the heart in the divine truth, I could live upon it in their daily lives. Thus, as priest, bishop and then as pope, he did everything possible to promote the teaching of the Catechism and to maintain the purity of doctrine. The Holy Father knew that religious ignorance aside was the beginning of the way to restore faith in many grew weaker and losing even. always tending the flock of the Lord and to ensure the purity of Christian doctrine, SS St. Pius X had to act firmly against modernism. Important in this regard is the publication of the decree Lamentabili (July 1907) which condemned many exegetical and dogmatic view, influenced by that fashion heresy, and his encyclical Pascendi (September 1907) by condemning other modernist thesis.
A new Code of Canon Law When I was bishop of Mantua, Msgr. Sarto had already manifested itself as a legal weight. Then published several articles on the subject. In Venice, as Patriarch, founded in his diocese a Law School. Elected pope, saw the need and desirability of a new codification of canon law, appropriate to the circumstances that then lived. This monumental work, which would boost a few months into his pontificate, just find its completion in 1917, under Pope Benedict XV. Push
His missionary zeal to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ to those who still did not know him led him to give a great impetus to the Church's missionary activity. In the same vein, encouraged the formation of regional seminars.
Other initiatives Other initiatives Pope Pius X urged a reform of the Roman curia, entrusted the revision of the Vulgate to the Benedictines (1907), he founded the Pontifical Biblical Institute in Rome (1909) and began publishing Call Apostolicae Sedis Acta (1909), which still is the official publication brings papal documents. Firmness

During the chase his pontificate is consumed in France (1905) the separation of church and state. This would be a very painful chapter for the Holy Father. No compromise in the least due to pressure from a state that wanted to subjugate the Church of Christ, encouraged pastors and other faithful French not to fear being stripped of all their property and rights. The Pope suffered greatly from this new persecution unleashed against the "favorite daughter", the Church of France, and was moved deeply by the response of faithful adherence to the bishops. Years later one
bad example to be followed: in Spain (1910) and Portugal (1911) also give the final separation between Church and State. Thruster peace to world events SS St. Pius X yearned for world peace, and knew that only in Christ this could be real and lasting. It was his most ardent wish to help prevent the first great European war, which he so clearly saw it coming: a long time ago, had predicted that burst in 1914. "Tasty give my life, if that could achieve peace in Europe," he said on one occasion.

On August 2, 1914, before the imminent outbreak of war, the Pope urged in a letter to Catholics around the world, and as a last valiant effort to get the gift peace, to lay eyes on Christ the Lord, Prince of Peace, and repeatedly pleading for world peace. Model of a priest dedicated to the study and self
Some argue that the extreme modesty showing spread the idea that SS St. Pius X, while it was a holy man, was very intelligent and was not very well prepared: always spoke so convinced of his own insignificance, their lack of preparation, its "rural status, which many came to take him seriously. However, historical evidence shows that the reality was far from that false idea.
's workshop in Padua Giuseppe met a young gifted and very used in the studies, was the most outstanding student in his time. While it is true that his later academic success, which also had, followed eighteen years of intense pastoral work, Father and then Bishop Sarto spared never cut off even a few hours to dedicate to the study: at the expense of personal requirement and discipline never left their own training, so necessary to nurture their faith and to better respond to its mission of being a light to others, a teacher of truth. The sermons, lectures, pastoral letters, the same way with people, were several times that required dedication on this important issue, and he and understood.
also naturally endowed with an insatiable intellectual curiosity led him to study it, listen and seek to know. Formative years in the silence accompanied his ministry, lighting, nurturing, enriching, always opening their horizons to better appreciate and understand those whose hearts wanted access to enlighten them with the truth of Jesus Christ and win them to Him In this sense it also add that as a bishop and cardinal was known for its knowledgeable management of Holy Scripture and the Fathers of the Church.
His love for the Lord's Mother Santa Maria was very present in the heart of this holy Pope liked to wear the rosary in hand. Daily visiting the grotto of Lourdes in the Vatican gardens. Interrupting conversations to invite their partners to pray the Angelus. Immediate preparation for the event's 50th anniversary of the proclamation of the Immaculate Conception issued his encyclical Ad Diem Illum. A Pope raised to the altars transit
His Father's House befell an August 20, 1914, shortly before the outbreak of the "first world war." Many already in life, no doubt impressed by the serene personality that was transparently with the love of the Lord, and he was so tangible and close to all, no doubt to call him "Papa holy." With characteristic simplicity and humility, unimpressed by this qualifier, and making use of a pun, quite naturally respond to those so called them wrong by one letter: "No" Holy Pope ", he said, but "Papa Sarto". "

The truth is that Pope Pius X were attributed many miracles during his lifetime. Also abundant evidence were consistent in stating that he had the gift of penetrating into the most secret of human hearts, and "see" what was in them. February 14, 1923, his cause of beatification introduced, beginning a long and demanding process that would last until 12 February 1951. On that memorable day the censor (who was acting as "prosecutor") knelt at the feet of Pope Pius XII to certify that after a very rigorous process could move to his beatification, when His Holiness so provided. These were the emotional words after his report, delivered the censor:
"Allow me, therefore, Holy Father, who humbly prostrate at his feet, also add my request, I will seek to fulfill faithfully the office of censor that I had given, driven by truth, healthy and timely to judge, and I admit openly that this example since the chandelier lights authentically with multifaceted splendor of their virtues not only the faithful but also those living in darkness and the shadow of death, and attract and lead to the realm of truth, unity and peace. "

Monday, August 9, 2010

Calories In Small Grilled Shrimp

12 corners and a flower ...

As my head just thinking about my vacation week, I walk around the room, camera in hand, imagining that I am in Lisbon ... and as a tourist, caught future memories ...

Monday, August 2, 2010

Nipple Sucking Sensation

hours of August in the room ...

In August there is excessive heat in these parts, and We have modified a tad schedule:

Monday through Friday, from 10.30 to 14 and 18 to 21 ...

Saturdays, from 11 to 14 ...

and close for holidays from Friday afternoon until 13 on Monday, 23 .... This week is fair in Malaga and is almost impossible to open in the center, so we took to rest a little!
